Dodge Creek Sporting Goods

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Dodge Creek Sporting Goods Sporting Goods | Richburg, New York, 14774 | Reviews, Local Offers

Dodge Creek Sporting Goods

142 Main St., Richburg, NY 14774, USA

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Hours: Opening Closing
Monday 10:00am 6:00pm
Tuesday 10:00am 6:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am 6:00pm
Thursday 10:00am 6:00pm
Friday 10:00am 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am 6:00pm

Listing Information:

Dodge Creek Sporting Goods has a little bit of everything for the hunting enthusiast. We have long rifles, in most of the common calibers and a few in the not so common. We have the smaller caliber for the pesky varmints, medium caliber for Whitetail deer and the larger caliber for long-distance shooting and taking down the Alaskan grizzly. We also have a great selection of shotguns from some of the top name manufacturers. We have a very large selection of various handguns too. Handguns from .17 HMR to the larger hunting revolvers, large enough to also take down the Alaskan grizzly. We carry many different hunting & shooting accessories, bullets, powder, cases, primers, cleaning supplies, among a few of the items in stock. For the fisherman, we have spinners, lures, jigs, live bait (sucker chubs, fat head & bass minnows, night crawlers, & trout worms, in the bait section. We carry hooks, line, Rod and Reel combos to name a few of the fishing accessories we have in stock. As you can see by the few items we have listed here, Dodge Creek Sporting Goods is probably your one stop shop for all your hunting and fishing needs. So what are you waiting for, come on in! We are a Federal Firearms Dealer, NYS handgun dealer, & licensed gunsmith.

Customer Experience:

GradeExperience Rating:
Silver Member

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